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10 things ~

May 11, 2023

1) As a child, my dream job was a vet. As I got older and learned more about the job I decided I'd become a dancer, teacher or artist instead.


2) Palm trees and sunshine bring instant happiness. Mountains make me feel at home.


3) I worked as a barista at a coffee bar in college, and a drink I created made it onto the menu: Iced Mint Mocha Dana was my claim to fame ;)


4) Potatoes are my favorite food - all of them - baked, fried, mashed, etc! Did you know they can help you feel more grounded?


5) I taught public school for 6 years. I call this time period of life Soul Bootcamp ;) I am grateful for the challenges and growth I experienced. Hug your teachers!


6) My first yoga teacher told me about a 10 day silent meditation, and I felt the call to sign up. I had no idea how intense sitting in meditation for 10 hours/ day was going to be, but it was also one of the most transformative experiences in my life.


7) As a child, I always dreamed of going to Australia. My dream came true when I studied abroad at Flinders Uni in Adelaide.


8.) I never dreamt of traveling to India. But I got a strong pull to sign up for a Spiritual journey to this amazing motherland, and decided to go. It was a beautiful journey & experience.


9.) Walking the nature trail pathways to my elementary school, I used to pick the plants and flowers, and used a flower press/ books to dry and preserve them. Early signs of my future career path :)


10.) I came across a book in my 20's that explained we all have a divine support team available to assist us. Though I grew up catholic, this was a loving nudge from the universe to actually USE the power of prayer, and to talk to God/ source/ angels~ As I began to do this, miracles started to unfold and I felt a sense of support I had never know before.


You're next! Send me a message & share something I may not know about you with me (or 10 things!) I look forward to learning a bit more about you :)