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Celebration Vibration

· Essential Oils

As we lean into the energy of 2020, goals and dreams in mind, there's one thing to do that you most likely skipped right over before visioning your year. This one thing can supercharge your dreams & goals in a major way. In fact, skipping this step can actually take away the FUN in achieving goals & going for your dreams. Let's bring back the fun, yes?!

Before you make any more lists of "to-do's" -make a new kind of list- one of all the things you have in your life NOW to celebrate. Along with including achievements from 2019, be sure to include things we often take for granted such as a loving home, a warm, cozy bed to sleep in & the laugher you share with loved ones. Go big with your Celebration list! Celebrate it ALL -the big, the small and even so-called mistakes as they have contributed to the growth and who you are now at this moment.

Did you know that the act of Celebration through thoughts, feelings and actions creates a high vibe energy that brings more feelings of joy and celebration? It's contagious!


Another powerful technique to bring fun into our typical routines is to choose to consciously acknowledge & celebrate not only our own victories but those of our friends, family, coworkers & social circle. Whether we are celebrating ourselves or others, the effect in is the same: an elevated mood & more joy! I love celebrating my friends milestones, big & small! While throwing a party or dinner is one way to celebrate someone close to you, a quick text or voice note can activate this same feeling & energy.

So go for it: Make a list of your current CELEBRATIONS (writing them down will amplify the celebration energy!) and start your day with the intention to look for and notice opportunities and situations that you can celebrate. Cheering you on: Here's to your supercharged 2020!